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Image to Base64 - Free Online Converter

Convert images to Base64 strings instantly in your browser. Supports PNG, JPEG, GIF, and WEBP formats. No data leaves your device.

Image to Base64 Converter

Frequently Asked Questions

What image formats are supported?

We support all common image formats including JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP, and WEBP.

Is there a file size limit?

Yes, the maximum file size is 5MB to ensure fast processing and optimal performance.

Is my data secure?

Absolutely! All conversions happen in your browser - no data is sent to our servers.

Can I convert Base64 back to an image?

Yes, simply switch to the 'Base64 to Image' tab and paste your Base64 string.

What is Base64 encoding used for?

Base64 is commonly used to embed images in HTML, CSS, or JSON files, or to transmit binary data over text-based protocols.